How to bookBooking SecretaryMrs G. Pagan, 117 Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4JGTelephone: 01379 650770Email:gabriellepagan@gmail.comRoom hire ratesClick here to view or download a PDF document detailing our room hire rates.Booking formClick here to view or download booking form in PDF format.Sound systemUse of the sound system must be arranged in advance. No extra charge is made for this.Single bookingsIn the case of a single booking, a cheque for the due amount should be in the possession of the Booking Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the hire. Failure to do so may result in access to the rooms being denied.Multiple bookingsFor multiple bookings payment should be made monthly, in advance. Please make cheques payable to: Diss United Reformed Church.Booking Conditions1. The premises are to be left clean and tidy at the end of each booked session. Hirers must remove all rubbish arising from their booking.2. Please ensure that all internal lights are switched off and doors secured upon leaving the premises.3. The hirer must have public liability insurance and any other appropriate cover for the activities being undertaken. The Church cannot be held liable for any accident or injury which occurred or was sustained during the activity session being undertaken by the hiring organisation. Any accident and/or injury must be recorded in the accident book provided.4. The provision for sale of alcoholic beverages during a hired session may only take place with the express permission of the Church authorities prior to the event.5. Smoking anywhere on the Church premises is forbidden by law.6. It is essential that the hirer obtain all the necessary licenses from the relevant authorities that are required by law and pertain to the event being held.7. If any of the rooms are required by the Church for their own use (e.g. weddings, funerals, etc.) then bookings for that day will need to be rearranged.
How to bookBooking SecretaryMrs G. Pagan, 117 Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4JGTelephone: 01379 650770Email:gabriellepagan@gmail.comRoom hire ratesClick here to view or download a PDF document detailing our room hire rates.Booking formClick here to view or download booking form in PDF format.Sound systemUse of the sound system must be arranged in advance. No extra charge is made for this.Single bookingsIn the case of a single booking, a cheque for the due amount should be in the possession of the Booking Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the hire. Failure to do so may result in access to the rooms being denied.Multiple bookingsFor multiple bookings payment should be made monthly, in advance. Please make cheques payable to: Diss United Reformed Church.Booking Conditions1. The premises are to be left clean and tidy at the end of each booked session. Hirers must remove all rubbish arising from their booking.2. Please ensure that all internal lights are switched off and doors secured upon leaving the premises.3. The hirer must have public liability insurance and any other appropriate cover for the activities being undertaken. The Church cannot be held liable for any accident or injury which occurred or was sustained during the activity session being undertaken by the hiring organisation. Any accident and/or injury must be recorded in the accident book provided.4. The provision for sale of alcoholic beverages during a hired session may only take place with the express permission of the Church authorities prior to the event.5. Smoking anywhere on the Church premises is forbidden by law.6. It is essential that the hirer obtain all the necessary licenses from the relevant authorities that are required by law and pertain to the event being held.7. If any of the rooms are required by the Church for their own use (e.g. weddings, funerals, etc.) then bookings for that day will need to be rearranged.
Diss United Reformed ChurchMere Street, DissNorfolk, IP22 4AD01379 650770