Worship with the United Reformed
Church, Diss
Diss United Reformed Church
© 2025
The Welcome Café
The Dove Dementia Café
Dove Song
Dove Song Plus!
Dove Café Church
Junior Church
Tuesdays Together
NEW Group Dovelets
For more information, please contact Gabrielle
Pagan, Secretary, on 01379 650770, Jo Patel, Church
Leader, on 07808 487844 or Ruth Bridges, Church
Community Worker, on 01379 309062.
We also offer
Meeting room hire
A range of meeting rooms and halls are available to the
community for hire.
Upcoming events
A wide variety of events is held at the Church every
The local congregation meet on the fourth Sunday
of the month at 10.45am to which you are warmly
invited. All other Sundays we worship at the
Methodist Church just round the corner on Victoria
Road, two minutes walk past the shops. Junior
Church is provided at all services.
Our services help us to celebrate our Christian faith
and to learn together. We sing traditional and
modern hymns accompanied by the pipe organ.
We explore Bible readings, pray together and give
our thanks for the hope, peace and joy we have
through our love of God through Jesus Christ.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper or Communion
through the sharing of bread and wine
approximately once a month.
We welcome you at every age and from every
background. It doesn’t matter what you believe or
if you have been to church before, everyone is
We also hold the Dove Café Church, an informal
shorter service open to all, on the 4th Monday of
the month at 1.30pm followed by refreshments.
An occasional Taize-style worship (see monthly
calendar), which is very reflective and quiet, with
simple hymns, often from the Pslams, and
accompanied by a small string/woodwind group of
For a daily Bible reading, reflection and prayer see
“Worship and Spirituality” on the national web
page urc.org.uk.
A multi-purpose building
in the heart of the
Welcome to
Diss United
Reformed Church
At Diss URC we are very fortunate to have
a wonderful group of volunteers. Without
their efforts we would not be able to
provide the community groups that we
love to run, helping those in need of
support in and around Diss.
As a result, we decided to nominate them
for the National Churches Awards. We were
delighted to hear that they had reached the
final twelve and although they didn't win
outright, they received a thoroughly
deserved, highly commended award! It is so
lovely that other people with no direct
connection to our church, on hearing about
all of the good things that our volunteers are
doing, recognise their outstanding
commitment and achievements. Well done
to each and every volunteer!